
手工 / 作者:qysgf / 时间:2020-02-19 /74℃

这是来自意大利公司在佛罗里达州的家具设计。它的外观可以通过简单地改变压缩和解压。这对整体居室设计产生重大影响,同时可以为用户准备了一个快速和简单的方法实用床。该件家具是非常现代和优雅,是种类繁多的当代完美室内设计。有着柔软而微微弯曲的框架,这看起来像一个梦幻般的舒适的床。你只需要解压缩,呈现出舒适,整洁,干净的枕头,拉链隐藏在床单下面。 拉链有三种迷人的色彩组合:白色,红色,灰色,红色和白色,蓝色。

We have to say we are usually very foreseeing when it comes to the new designs that are being created, but we really did not see this coming. Letto Zip comes from Florida Furniture and is a dream came true for all those people who dislike making their beds in the morning. Its appearance can be changed by simply zipping and unzipping its stylish cover. This has a major effect on the overall room design, while in the same time being very practical for the user who can prepare the bed in a fast and simple way. The furniture piece is highly modern and elegant, perfect for a large variety of contemporary interiors. With a soft and slightly curved frame, this looks like a comfortable dreamy bed. Letto Zip comes in three charming color-combinations: white-red, gray-red and white-blue. Looks inviting? 

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